36th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival - Cassie Shao & "I'm Not Ready"
Tiffany Le is the artist behind the 36th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival’s key art. Featured in her digital illustration is a contemplative silhouette, being carried forward to the future by the waves. It represents a positive perspective during these difficult and fluctuating times.
Cassie Shao's visionary music video for "I'm Not Ready" is announced as part of the 36th Annual Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival! The largest festival of its kind in Southern California, LAAPFF is an Oscar-qualifying film festival for the Short Film Awards, and features an exciting lineup of productions by Asian American & Pacific Islander artists from across the globe. Thank you to Visual Communications for their amplification of Cassie's work and the more than 225 filmmakers celebrated across five weekends (Sept. 24 - Oct. 31) for this special online event!